1/3/2020 Bridger Valley Pioneer legal notices



The Town of Lyman Planning and Zoning will hold a public hearing regarding a request from Ronna Rand of 209 Ash Ct.  Mrs. Rand would like to have an embroidery business at her residence.  The public hearing will take place January 7, 2020 in the conference room at the Lyman Town Hall.

PUBLISH: January 3, 2020       20001



Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, persons with disabilities, employees, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with Uinta County School District No. Four, Mountain View, Wyoming, are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, political affiliation, religion, veteran status, or disability in admission to, treatment or employment in its programs, services or activities on school property and off school grounds during school-sponsored activities, and provides equal access to its facilities to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The district does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Furthermore, the lack of English language skills shall not be a barrier to admission or participation in school-sponsored activities or programs. Grievance procedures have been established for students, their parents and employees who feel discrimination has been shown by the School District. Any person having inquiries concerning the school’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, or other related civil rights laws is directed to contact Jeffrey M. Newton, Superintendent of Schools, 129 W. 2nd Street, PO Box 130, Mountain View, WY 82939; (307) 782-3377 Ext. 4201, who has been designated by the school to coordinate efforts to comply with the regulations regarding nondiscrimination. Complaints may also be filed with the Office for Civil Rights, Region VII, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Building, Suite 310, 1244 Speer Blvd., Denver, CO 80205-3582; (303) 844-5695; TDD (303) 844-3417.


Notice is hereby given that regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of Uinta County School District Number Four, State of Wyoming, are held each month at 7:00 PM. on the second Tuesday, and if needed fourth Tuesday, of the month in the Board Room at the Central Office building in Mountain View, Wyoming, and such meetings are open to the public.

Notice is also given that official minutes of each regular or special meeting of such board, including a record of all official acts and of all warrants issued, are available for inspection by any citizen during regular office hours at the office of the clerk of said district at 129 W. 2nd Street, Mountain View, Wyoming, or website, www.uinta4.com.

/s/ Mark D. Walker

Chairman, Board of Trustees

Uinta County School District No. Four

PUBLISH: January 3, 2020       20000