2/15/2019 Bridger Valley Pioneer Legal Notices



The Uinta County Commissioners will accept applications for one unexpired term for the Uinta County Economic Development Board with a term expiring 2020.  Applications can be found at www.uintacounty.com under the Quick Links tab or at the County Clerk’s Office located at 225 9th St. Evanston.  Completed applications are due in the County Clerk’s Office by 5:00 p.m. February 15th to be considered.   Applications can be mailed to 225 9th St. Evanston, WY  82930; faxed to 307-783-0511 or emailed to amhutchinson@uintacounty.com.

PUBLISH: February 15, 22, 2019         19017


Request for Bids

Fort Bridger Cemetery District is accepting bids for a new board room and pump house at the Dahlquist Addition of the Fort Bridger Cemetery.  There will be a Bid Walk Through on Thursday February 28th at 2:00 p.m. at the cemetery office located at 2751 County Road 219 Fort Bridger WY.  Bid Opening will be Thursday March 7th, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the cemetery office located at 2751 County Road 219 Fort Bridger, WY.  To request a scope of work and the drawings please contact the Fort Bridger Cemetery at 307-782-3174 orfbcdistrict@outlook.com.  Bids can be mailed to PO Box 276, Fort Bridger WY 82933, e-mailed to fbcdistrict@outlook.com or brought to the Bid Opening, bids must be received by 2:00 p.m. Thursday March 7, 2019.

PUBLISH: February 15, 22, March 1, 2019     19019





Pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 21-3-110(A) of Wyoming Education Code, following are warrants over $500.00 issued by Uinta County School District #4 & #6 BOCES, Mountain View and Lyman, Wyoming, for the months of October, November, and December 2018.

Check #           Payee  Amount

12433  BENTLEY, SPENC         $804.00

12436  DAVIS, CAL      $905.00

12438  FIRST BANKCARD        $570.87

12439  LANGE, APRIL  $3,930.00

12443  STIGLITZ, SABRINA     $1,312.00

12445  UINTA COUNTY SCHOOL DIST #4       $4,473.46

12460  BLACK, MICHELLE       $1,072.00

12470  IRICK, BELINDA          $539.00

12496  BLACK, MICHELLE       $871.00                                

12499  DECORIA, MAICHEL & TEAGUE, PS     $4,000.00

12502  LANGE, APRIL  $3,930.00

12505  SELCH, LISA     $585.00

12511  WESTAR PRINTING     $825.00

I, Sherri Bluemel, Treasurer, Uinta County School District #4 and #6 BOCES, Mountain View, WY and Lyman, WY do hereby certify the forgoing to be correct.

PUBLISH: February 15, 2019   19015



                          )ss.                 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT

COUNTY OF UINTA     )          Civil Action No. AD 19-1 & AD 19-2


OF                               )

Jayce Lee French &                 )

Makayla Reagan French         )

2 minor children:                    )

Brian Schultz               )

Petitioner                    )



CURRENT ADDRESS: address unknown

You are notified that a Petition for Adoption, Civil Action No. AD 19-1 & AD 19-2, has been filed in the Wyoming District Court for the Third Judicial District, whose address is 225 9th Street Evanston, WY 82930, seeking the adoption of 2 minor children and a

Decree of Adoption in his favor. Unless you file an Answer or otherwise respond to this Petition for Adoption within 30 days following the last date of publication of this notice, a Default Judgment will be taken against you and a Decree of Adoption will be granted.

DATED this 11 day of February, 2019

                                                BY CLERK OF COURT:

                                                Shandra Fife___________________

                                                Clerk of District Court / Deputy

PUBLISH: February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 2019 19018



Minutes of the Business Meeting held February 7, 2019

Present were Mayor Berg, Councilmembers Andy Spray, Shane Hooton, Tansy Shelton and Dallas Sill, Public Works Director Jared Crane, Clerk Lisa Bradshaw, Chief Kathy Adams and Attorney Thayne Peterson.

Councilman Spray made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, second by Councilman Hooton, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman made a motion to approve the One Day Malt Beverage Catering Permit for Cailen Gibbs on June 15, 2019 at the Heritage Barn, second by Councilman, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Spray made a motion to approve the following bills: Alsco – janitorial supplies $213.39, Robin Sinnett – contract labor $1,200.00, BVJP – water purchased $21,652.90, Bridger Valley Motors – flat repair $15.00, Bridger Valley Propane – propane for animal shelter $665.84, Carrier Corp. – HVAC work $954.00, Caselle Inc. – contract support/maintenance $780.00, Chemtech-Ford – samples $505.00, CNA Surety – clerk bonding $225.00, Cem Aquatics – supplies $963.34, Wyoming Workers Comp. – workers comp. $1,393.50, Harris Law Office – judge contract $1,200.00, Hartford – benefits $252.35, Ricoh – copier leases $242.20, Mountainland Supply – supplies $102.66, Great West Trust Company – 457 retirement $900.00, Peterson Legal Services – attorney contract $3,000.00, Postmaster – utility bills $240.31, Dominion Energy – gas bill $3,362.19, Real Kleen – janitorial supplies $90.40, Silver Stitch – uniforms $35.00, Skaggs Company – supplies $141.20, USA Blue Book – aerator $14,114.21, Uinta County Clerk – 2nd quarter dispatch fees $5,521.23, Union Telephone Company – telephone bill $1,186.88, Wyoming Waste Service – trash service $231.98, Westar Printing – office supplies $14.40, Wyoming Department of Transportation – license for boat trailer $5.00, Wyoming Retirement – monthly contribution $8,482.31, Wyoming Water Association – membership $250.00, Lacey Maxfield – contract labor $250.00, Dailey Fredrickson – water deposit refund $93.00, Creative Product Source – supplies $162.77,  second by Councilman Hooton, motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Sill made a motion to adjourn, second by Councilman Spray, motion carried unanimously.

Lisa Bradshaw, Clerk

Bronson Berg, Mayor

PUBLISH: February 15, 2019   19016           




JANUARY 15, 2019   7:00 P.M.

The January 15, 2019 Mountain View Town Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Council President Gina Tims. Those present were Council Members Tori Carter, Bryan Ayres and Jacob Porter, Clerk, Penny Robbins, Rick Guild with Public Works and Chief of Police, Brian Sparks.

Motion by Jacob Porter, second by Bryan Ayres to approve the agenda; motion carried.

Motion by Tori Carter, second by Jacob Porter to approve the January 2, 2019 minutes as presented; motion carried.

Council President, Gina Tims read a Proclamation proclaiming January 2019 National Mentoring Month. Bethany Shidler from Disability in Uinta County was present to receive the proclamation.

Motion by Bryan Ayres, second by Jacob Porter to approve ORDINANCE NO. 2019 – 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PROHIBITION ON ANNOYING, OBSCENE AND THREATENING COMMUNICATIONS amending the word annoying to be removed from the headlines on first reading; motion carried.

Motion by Jacob Porter, second by Tori Carter to pay the following bills; Ace Recycling & Disposal, Trash Service, $252.02, Benedict Trading Co, Supplies, $1389.84, BV Electric Asso, Electric Service, $6476.02, BV Joint Powers Board, Water Bill, $23511.12, BV Pioneer, Publications, $484.10, Bridgerland Carquest, Vehicle Maintenance, $206.63, MV High School, Office Supplies, $30.00, Covolo Auto, Vehicle Maintenance, $960.81, Auto Spa, Police Car Washes, $107.75, John Deere Financial, Maintenance Supplies, $148.95, First Bankcard, Police and Office Supplies, $2714.15, Homax, Fuel, $2804.54, Mindy Schoengarth, Utility Credit Refund, $83.78, Ronny Robbins III, Utility Credit Refund, $111.50, Sandy Walker, Utility Credit Refund, $1.01, Brinton & Brandy Powell, Utility Credit Refund, $186.53, Matthew Sherman, Cash Trust Refund, $750.00, Modern Display, Lights, $150.00, MVP of Mountain View,  Equipment Repair, $555.59, Mountainland Supply Co, Water Supplies, $6584.09, One-Call of Wyoming, December Tickets, $4.50, Richard Guild, Travel, $400.78, Ricoh USA Inc, Copier Lease and Maintenance, USA Bluebook, Sewer Supplies, $177.73, Valley Feed and Tire Repair, $29.50, Ferguson Waterworks, Water Meter Supplies, $2064.55; motion carried.

There being no more business to come before the town council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

ATTEST:           Scott Dellinger Mayor

Penny Robbins, Town Clerk

PUBLISH: February 15, 2019   19014
