Terrin Pippin, Petititioner Civil Action Case #24-DR-51
vs. Justin Hernandez, Respondent
NOTICE TO Justin Hernandez, address unknown: You are notified that a Petition to Establish Custody, Visitation and Support, Civil Action No.24-DR-51 has been filed in the Wyoming District Court for Third Judicial District, whose address is 225 9th St, Evanston, WY 82930 seeking an Order in her/his favor. Unless you file a Response or otherwise respond to the Petition referenced above within 30 days following the last date of publication of this notice, a default judgment will be taken against you and the Petition will be granted.
Dated this 20 day of April, 2024.
By Clerk of Court: Shanda Fife, Deputy Clerk
PUBLISHED: June 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 24109
May 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Hooton, present was Councilmember’s, Eric Quinney, Bronson Berg, Jimmy Bramlett and Gregg Moretti.
Clerk Lisa Bradshaw
Police Chief Thomas Shroyer
Public Works Director Jared Crane
Councilman Berg made a motion to approve the agenda as amended, second by Councilman Bramlett, motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Moretti made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2024, Business Meeting and Work Session, second by Councilman Bramlett, motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 2024-02 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED “ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2025”. Councilman Berg made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2024-02 on the second reading, second by Councilman Bramlett motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Quinney made a motion to approve John’s Clover Club Liquor License for cornhole tournaments, summer concert series and poker run, second by Councilman Moretti, motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Moretti made a motion to pay the following bills: Ace Disposal – trash service $749.86, Airgas – cylinder rental $71.25, Benedict Market – monthly charges $12.99, Benedict Ace Hardware – monthly charges $780.17, BVEA – utilities $9,343.88, Blue Cross Blue Shield – insurance $16,447.38, BVJP – water purchased $47,258.44, Bridger Valley Pioneer – advertising $465.71, Caselle – software support/maintenance $904.00, Chelsie Fredrickson – contract labor $225.00, Chemtech-Ford – samples $345.00, Covolo-Auto Farm Service – monthly charges $380.31, Cook Brothers Broadcasting – advertising $210.00, FNBO – credit card charges $5,141.70, Hooton Tech – tech support $19,675.00, Ricoh USA – copier lease $45.41, Mountainland Power Equipment – lawn mowers $21,590.40, Mountainland supply Company – supplies $1,745.07, Mountain West – contract $53.95, – beach balls $190.00, Postmaster – first class presort $320.00, Scotts Auto Body – Parts for 2024 Dodge $333.83, Skaggs – armor vest $1,257.94, Symbol Arts – name plates $47.25, Tegelers – insurance $29,534.00, Office Products Dealer – supplies $143.86, USA Bluebook – supplies $407.60, Valley Supply – supplies $37.16, Wells Fargo Financial – copier lease $149.00, WLEA – peace officer basic $1,910.95, One-Call of Wyoming – tickets for April $79.50, Dennis Powers – thatch cemetery $1,000.00, Auriella Haslett – water deposit refund $112.16, Tiana Schultz – barn rental refund $250.00, Power Engineering – progress billing $150.00, Condrey & Associates – wage study $7,250.00, JZW Architects – architectural service $10,440.00, Michelle Decker – P & Z meeting $50.00, Rowdy Martin – P & Z meeting $50.00, Tamra Crook – P & Z meeting $50.00, Wy Office of State Lands – Loan DW246 $34,763.43, second by Councilman Bramlett, motion passed, Mayor Hooton recused himself from voting.
Councilman Bramlett made a motion to adjourn into an Executive Session for contract negotiations, second by Councilman Berg, motion carried unanimously.
Lisa Bradshaw, Clerk
Shane Hooton, Mayor
PUBLISHED: June 14, 2024 24110
Notice is hereby given that Todd and Sheila Whittaker have applied for a Subdivision Permit for a 38-acre parcel in the W ½ of Section 14, T15N, R116W, 6th P.M., Uinta County Wyoming. This application would allow for the creation of a new 4-lot ARD Zoned subdivision entitled the Whittaker Estates Subdivision.
A public hearing on this matter will be held before the Uinta County Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Uinta County Complex, Evanston, Wyoming.
PUBLISHED: June 14, 21, 2024 24111
Notice is hereby given that WYHY Federal Credit Union has applied for a Subdivision Permit for lot 1 Block 4 of the Rees Subdivision located in the NW ¼ of Section 1, T15N, R115W, 6th P.M., Uinta County Wyoming. This application would allow for the re-subdivision of this lot into a new 2-lot Commercial Subdivision
A public hearing on this matter will be held before the Uinta County Planning and Zoning Commission on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Uinta County Complex, Evanston, Wyoming.
PUBLISHED: June 14, 21, 2024 24112
May 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Mayor, Bryan Ayres led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The May 21, 2024 Mountain View Town Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Bryan Ayres. Those present were, council members, Jamy Ferrin, Jenny Harvey and Kelly Bonner. Clerk Treasurer, Penny Robbins, Police Officer Mark Erramouspe and Public Works Director, Jacob Porter. Attorney, Brandon Taylor via zoom.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Jenny Harvey to approve the agenda, motion carried.
Motion by Jenny Harvey, second by Kelly Bonner to approve the May 7, 2024 meeting minutes; motion carried.
D’Andrea Chichester with Y.A.H.A. (Youth Alternative Home Association), a Group Home and Crisis Shelter for youth in need in our community, and asked for funding to assist in the general operating costs. In FY 22/23, YAHA provided 3 placements for a total of 29 days of care. If they were to look at the cost of care ($150 a day) YAHA provided an estimated $4350 worth of care to Mountain View residents. As for FY 23/24 (4/1/24) there have been 4 placements with 209 days of care to provided so far. YAHA has provided an estimated $31,350 worth of care to Mountain View residents to date this year. Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Kelly Bonner to approve the YAHA contract in the amount of $750, motion carried.
Bettie Tripp with Cowboy Bar and Kim Lester with F&M Liquor requested open container for Corn Hole Leagues. Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Kelly Bonner to approve Open Container for Corn Hole leagues, make up games and practices on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Saturday’s beginning June 4, 2024 and finishing September 28, 2024, motion carried.
Motion by Kelly Bonner, second by Jamy Ferrin to recess into public hearing at 7:12 pm to hear public comments on a variance request for a Union Cellular tower to be erected on the corner of Oak Street and Redwood Drive, motion carried.
Public Comment:
Kim Charles asked what the variance was for? Mayor Ayers responded that currently with our town code for cell towers we do not have a height restriction but we do have a fall over radius restriction. If it won’t break away and stay on the lot it’s not allowed. They have had a break away tower designed that will almost meet the criteria.
Cynthia VanDeMark with SAC Wireless reported with information from the engineer addressing feedback from the town for a pole to be designed for a specific fall zone and that’s what we did. Keeping the top section length equal to the specified fall zone critical and overdesign the bottom. A monopole isn’t going to just fall from the base. The top section would buckle on to the intact tower sections resulting in a zero-fall zone radius. In worst case scenario the section would separate and fall in radius equal to 35 feet. Monopole typically will not fall. Union has never had a tower fail.
Kelly Bonner asked why that location? Cynthia VanDeMark responded that this area will off load coverage from Tiperary and provide a wider area of coverage. Right now, calls are dropping off due to too much usage and traffic at certain times. Better coverage for the school. Kelly Bonner, will the tower by the school remain there? The tower would come down but the fiber that is there will remain in place.
Kim Charles asked Why not improve Tiperary? John Chizmar with Union explained that Tiperary has one sector in this area. Taking that one sector would provide 4 sectors with this tower to have better coverage.
Kim Charles asked if Union uses different frequences? John Chizmar responded that you have to purchase frequences and Union is using all the frequences it has. Union could serve a lot more people with this tower
Kelly Bonner asked if they have considered other sites? John Chizmar responded that this was a site that meets the needs for the tower so they haven’t considered any other sites. Kelly Bonner asked if this was going to be 5G and John responded it will be 4G. Mayor Bryan Ayres reminded everyone that this variance is for the fall over radius, however, this is good information.
Kim Charles has a lot to the west and is opposed to having an 80-foot tower out his front door.
Jamy Ferrin asked Brandon Taylor to clarify the variance is to approve the tower where it’s at for the fall issue. Brandon responded that because it’s engineered the fall as it is as they described we are willing to grant this variance. He did clarify that the variance needs to meet the 5 criteria to grant a variance. Criteria number 5 states that the adjustment or waiver sought is in harmony with the intent and purposes of the zoning ordinance and will not interfere with or injure the property rights in the neighborhood or be contrary to the public welfare. The question is how much weight you give that or up to council members weather or not this is in harmony with the intent purpose of the zoning ordinance and weather or not it will injury property rights in the neighborhood. Does it affect property values? Mayor Ayres reminded everyone that this is commercial property that is adjacent to residential property. Brandon Taylor reminded everyone that they could build a tower there without a variance if the tower was shorter.
Cindy Haggit said they were not happy with the tower there but everyone wants good cell service.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Jenny Harvey to reconvene regular meeting at 7:45 pm, motion carried.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, being no second the motion died, that didn’t deny the application itself. Motion by Kelly Bonner to deny the variance request, second by Jenny Harvey, reason for the denial being best interest of the neighborhood and decrease of property value, Kelly Bonner and Jenny Harvey approved, Jamy Ferrin opposed, variance request denied.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Kelly Bonner to approve ORDINANCE 2024-01 TRAVEL AND TOURISM BOARD ON THIRD AND FINAL READING, motion carried.
Motion by Jenny Harvey, second by Jamy Ferrin to approve amended ORDINANCE 2024-02 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING FOOD TRUCK VENDORS ON TOWN PROPERTY ON THIRD AND FINAL READING, amendment being addition of “Signed Vendor Agreement”, motion carried.
Motion by Kelly Bonner, second by Jenny Harvey to approve Bryan Ayres as voting delegate and Tori Carter as alternate voting delegate for the WAM business meeting in Pinedale on June 6, 2024, motion carried.
Motion by jenny Harvey, second by Kelly Bonner to cancel the August 6, 2024 council meeting to support the emergency safety fair, motion carried.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Kelly Bonner to approve the following bills; Angel Armor, PD Equipment, $1540.45, Dominion, Gas Service, $666.62, First Bankcard, Travel/Supplies, $3644.25, Joe Tucker, Reimbursement, $17.98, Tammy Murray, Travel/Mileage, $236.81, Scott’s Auto Body, Vehicle Repair, $110.60, Signature Equipment, Vehicle Repairs, $2977.85, Steven Kendall, Travel Reimbursement, $62.31, The Swap Shop, Vehicle maintenance, $85.60, UC Sheriff’s Office, Contract Hours, $4700.00, Water of Life, Building Maintenance, $157.00, WAM, Registration, $810.00, motion carried.
Motion by Jamy Ferrin, second by Kelly Bonner to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm, motion carried.
Bryan Ayres, Mayor
Penny Robbins, Town Clerk
PUBLISHED: June 14, 2024 24114