LYMAN — A life of kindness and love was completed as Ivan J Bluemel passed from us on Sept. 4, 2023.
His service filled life of 96 years, began as the first child born to parents he adored, John Vernon Bluemel and Marguerite Ellsworth. At the tender age of 10, Ivan's
mother, the center of his universe, was called home from this life, leaving him with part of his heart missing. Prior to her passing, she and John brought three more siblings to Ivan - Merlin, Vernon and Jay. John later had two more sons with his second wife, Pheobe Coleman - Gary and Curtis.
After his mother’s passing, the children lived with different families. Ivan lived in a
number of homes. One winter, at the age of 11, he even spent a winter sleeping on a screened porch, with temperatures dropping below -40 degrees. He said he would cover up with a hide rug and try to stay warm until morning. He held no complaints and was grateful to all who helped him, and loved them as brothers and sisters who shared that childhood.
One evening, as he was driving down the road in Lyman, a beautiful girl caught his eye
and captured his heart, Jean Twitchell. He stopped and gave her a ride home. He often joked that their first date was a "pick up" date. After 77 years of marriage, she still held his eye and heart. Jean, and her family, gave Ivan the family, home and testimony he longed for. Ivan and Jean were married and sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple by Joseph Fielding Smith.
Added to this eternal union, were four children that were the delight of their lives - Marguerite, Cassandra, Craig and Marilyn. To them, family was everything. In their
self-constructed home of two rooms, the children thought they were rich. They were, rich with the love of an eternal family. Love that far exceeded the riches of the earth.
The support of that joyful family required work, lots of it. Both Ivan and Jean worked hard all of their lives. That included working on drilling rigs as a derrick hand, 100 feet high as he stacked 90 foot drilling strings of pipe. He worked on a crew digging a tunnel. They both milked cows. His favorite occupation was cutting timber and sawing it into lumber at their sawmill. They also worked together in their grocery store, motels and laundromat. These and other jobs had one thing in common, hard work.
Ivan and Jean were stalwarts in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ivan served in many callings, including Seventy, Bishop, Counselor in the Stake Presidency and Patriarch, where he gave over 600 Patriarchal Blessings. They served together on a mission to New Zealand and as ordinances workers in the Ogden Temple. They continually served family, friends and neighbors.
Ivan loved working with wood in his shop. When asked how he put up with the chaos of a house full of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, he replied, "Why do you think I built the shop?" Family and friends treasure many of the works of his hands.
Ivan is survived by the one true love of his life, Jean Twitchell Bluemel, his four devoted children: Marguerite Shaffer (Bill), Cassandra Ashton (Gene), Craig Ivan Bluemel (Deann), Marilyn Norton (Creg), 18 grandchildren, 69 great-grandchildren, seven great-great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents and all of his siblings except Gary.
Memorial services will be at the Bridger Valley LDS Stake Center in Urie, Wyoming,
Saturday Sept. 9, 2023 at 11 a.m. Prior to the funeral, viewings will be held Friday,
Sept. 8 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday Sept. 9, from 10-10:45 a.m. Interment will
follow at the Lyman City Cemetery.
The family would like to extend their eternal gratitude to all who have shown such an outpouring of love and care to Ivan, Jean and family. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, the caring members of Cowboy Care in Bridger Valley Wyoming, the loving and devoted staff at Legacy House in South Jordan, Utah, the talented, caring, and loving staff of Aspire Home Health and Hospice, especially Dr. Marcia Pinkerman and hospice nurse Kelly Kent, and all who worked with them.
We include love and gratitude to all of the others who showed such love and care. Your names may not be listed here, but they certainly are in our hearts and in heaven. Thank you, Thank you.